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![]() ワンちゃんと泊まれる唯一のお部屋! バリのボート家具に囲まれた、ダブルベッド2台の海のイメージたっぷりのお部屋です。 (ワンちゃんをお連れの方は別途「ワンちゃん同伴についての規約」をご確認の上ご予約ください) |
![]() ザ・和風の雰囲気たっぷりの和室。 ダブルベッド1台と、追加でお布団をご用意できます。 |
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![]() 畳の布団の部屋。 アジアンな雰囲気の中畳でゆっくり寛げるお部屋です。 |
![]() 畳の布団の部屋。 アジアンな雰囲気の中畳でゆっくり寛げるお部屋です。 |
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![]() 天蓋のクイーンサイズベッドのある広々使える18畳ある広い部屋です。 |
Guests Terms(English)
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![]() 1室のみ(「海」の部屋)愛犬と泊まることができます。 以下の規約を必ず守れる方&ワンちゃんのみになります。 予めご了承くださいませ。 ワンちゃん1頭につき2000円(税別)追加となります(3頭まで)。 ワンちゃん同伴についての規約(Japanese) Dog Room Rules(English) |

![]() ![]() バンブーで作ったガゼボや、芝生エリアではバリのビーチで大人気のビーズクッションでゆるゆる、ウッドデッキではパラソルとバリ家具でリゾート感満載。 |
![]() ![]() 15メートルの室内プールは、一瞬でアジアンビーチリゾート!夏の暑い時期に日焼けを気にせずに、小さなお子さんとも一緒に楽しめます。(夏期のみ6月中旬から9月中旬予定) |
![]() ![]() 屋根付きのBBQガーデンには、炊事場、冷蔵庫、蓋付き大型BBQグリル、ウェイバーBBQグリル、バーカウンター、テーブル、椅子など完備。雨天でも快適に安心してBBQが楽しめます。 |
![]() ![]() 露天風呂、内風呂、水風呂、サウナ、全て貸切でご利用下さい。 |
![]() ![]() プール棟にある岩盤浴は、プール利用期間(6月?9月中旬)のみご利用可能です。 |
![]() ![]() ウォーターヒヤシンスのソファに囲まれた2階のリビングスペースでは、漫画貸出や、ボードゲーム貸出コーナーなど。 赤ちゃんのおむつペール、宿泊者専用大型冷蔵庫もあります。皆様で楽しくご利用下さい。 |
![]() ![]() チェックインや、朝食や、BARスペース。 |
![]() 季楽の裏庭 |
![]() (プール棟:夏季のみ)
お客様の 楽しい・美味しい、素敵な思い出になる様に、スタッフ一同心を込めてサポートいたします。
太陽と星が輝く宿 季楽~KIRA~
オーナー 菅井直美
この度は、太陽と星が輝く宿 季楽~KIRA~をご利用頂きありがとうございます。
Dear Guests
Thank you for choosing “~KIRA~ where sun and starts shine”. We welcome you warmly to our Villa. We ensure that we will do everything to meet your expectations during your stay in KIRA. In order to have a pleasant experience, please kindly respect general terms and conditions below.
We appreciate your cooperation.
*Check-in is from 3pm and Check-out is by 10am.
*Smoking is prohibited in all the part of KIRA, except in the smoking area outside the wood deck.
*Breakfast is from 8am to 9am. Breakfast is served in a dining room or wood deck. Please inform your desired time when you check in.
*Each room can reserve a bath room on 1/F and outdoor bath for 45min. Please inform your desired time when you check in. Please kindly be understood that reservation is on a first-come-first-serve basis.
*Please feel free to use a bathroom on 2/F for 24 hours. Please kindly make sure to lock the door and put a signboard while using a bathroom.
*Hot water of an outdoor bath turns water once safety switch is turned on depending on the time. Please turn on a faucet once again after turning off a faucet on a bathtub. Red is for hot water and blue is for water.
Please kindly make sure to turn off faucet for both water and hot water before getting out of an outdoor bath.
*A bathroom on 1/F and an outdoor bath can be used until 10:30pm. Please use a bathroom on 2/F after that.
*Please refrain from bringing back amenities such as bath towels, yukata, hairdryer in a room and our facility.
*Dining space and BBQ garden close at 10:30pm.
*You can purchase drinks from vending machine in our facility after 10:30pm.
*Please refrain from entering or opening counter kitchen, wine cellar, storage room and machinery room.
*Our sauna is electric so please refrain from pouring water on the stones.
*We have the coin-operated laundry machines on 2/F. Detergent for one time laundry is available at the front desk for 150yen.
*Please also read a dog room terms and conditions if you accompany a pet.
*Please come to BBQ garden through a big wood gate outside on a right side past the entrance.
*Please use a toilet in the pool building while using BBQ garden.
*When you come back from surfing and swimming in the ocean, please wash away seawater and sand thoroughly with an outdoor shower located on the right side of the wood gate before entering the building. Please get a shower in the pool building after you wash away sand thoroughly with an outdoor shower (Thank you for your cooperation to prevent sand from clogging).
*Please also use an outdoor shower to wash fishing tackle and surfing board.
*Please use a rack behind the pool building for drying wetsuit.
*Please take care of your own surfing board and fishing tackle. We are not responsible for any loss.
*Please feel free to use a diaper pail on 2/F if your babies and children use diapers.
*You can use books and games in the living room on 2/F for free. Please kindly return them back to the original place after use. Parents are asked to return them back after small children use them.
*Please be understood that the menu and location for dinner in BBQ garden may change depending on the weather.
*Dinner including BBQ full-course dinner shall start between 6pm and 7pm. Start time other than that might not be available. Please inform your desired time when you check in.
*Pear trees spread in front of KIRA’s entrance and parking, and pesticide spraying is done depending on the time. To prevent your car from getting pesticide spraying, there may be some cases we ask you to move your car. In that case, please kindly move your car to KIRA’s second parking. We recommend you to park your car in the second parking wherever possible.
*Toilet paper in the toilet is stored inside the mirror door.
*We are happy to recommend you activities and restaurants near KIRA, so please don’t hesitate to ask us.
*Please let us know in case you get sick or injured, or you can also contact nearby hospitals below by yourself.
Misaki Hospital
Misakicho-Kuwada 2531, Isumi-Shi TEL: 0470-87-7811
Department: Internal Medicine, Neurology, Rehabilitation, etc.
From Monday to Friday 9am to 11:45am, 2pm to 4:45pm
Saturday: 9am to 11:45am, Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
Sotobo Kodomo Clinic
Misakicho-Izumi 1880-4, Isumi-Shi TEL: 0470-80-2622
Department: Pediatrics
From Monday to Saturday, 8:40am to 11:40am, 2:40pm to 4:40pm
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
Yoshida Gekanaika
Misakisho-Shiigi 470, Isumi-Shi TEL: 0470-87-5835
Department: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, etc.
From Monday to Saturday, 9am to 12pm, 2pm to 5pm (Closed in the afternoon on Thursdays)
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
*Pool is opened only in summer time (from the middle June to the middle September). Opening hours is from 9am to 7pm.
*Please take good care of small children and be very careful when using a pool. We are not responsible for any accidents and injuries occurred by using a pool.
*Please refrain from putting a pet in a pool.
*Please do not put a pet in a pool.
*Please do not swim in a pool after drinking alcohol or if you are drunk.
*Please refrain from draining or putting pool water, and also refrain from touching the machine in the machinery room.
*Bedrock bath is extra (2000yen for one hour including water and towel).
Please inform our staff if you wish to you a bedrock bath.
Please read a separate sheet for SPA and Beauty Salon menu and make an appointment in advance. Please kindly be understood that some menu might not be available due to the availability of the staff.
*Our Villa is operated by the limited number of staff. We do our best to make your stay as pleasant as possible but we apologize for any inconvenience that may happen during your stay.
We all work hard so that you can have a wonderful short trip memory.
~KIRA~ where sun and stars shine
Thank you
当施設(太陽と星が輝く宿 季楽)は、他のお客様のアレルギーや衛生面において、ワンちゃん同伴については以下の規約を設定しております。ワンちゃん同伴の規約をご確認の上、承諾いただいた場合のみ、ワンちゃん同伴のご利用を頂けます。必ず、事前に確認の上、ご宿泊時にご署名頂きますので予めご了承下さい。
ワンちゃん(犬 以下《ワンちゃん》という)を同伴してご宿泊する基本的な条件をご確認ください。
(1) 飼い主様ご本人のワンちゃんのみとし、最大小型犬2頭を上限とする。大型犬、中型犬は大きさ相談で1頭まで。
(2) ワンちゃんはきちんと躾できている事。
(トイレのしつけ 散歩時外で行う)(すわれ・まて・こい・ダメ)(無駄吠えをしない事)(人を噛まない)
(3) ゲージの利用・滞在のみに限ります。
(4) ワンちゃんによるトラブル(噛みつき・誤飲食・迷子・脱走等)は、飼い主が責任をもって対処ください。
(5) 施設内にあるお客様用の食器等を絶対にワンちゃんに利用しないでください。
(6) 一頭につき1泊2000円(税別)を加算させていただきます。
(7) ワンちゃんを無連絡で同伴された場合は、ご宿泊をお断りする場合があります。
(8) 脱走・迷子・犬の噛み合い、負傷、死亡、他人への噛みつき・事故、及び紛争については、飼い主の管理とし、当施設は一切の責任を負いません。
(1) (海・SEA ROOM)1部屋のみのご利用で、ゲージの持込・ゲージの利用のみとなります。
(2) 玄関から、「海」の部屋とそこまでの通路のみをご利用頂けます。
(3) ダイニング・リビング・階段・浴室・トイレ・露天風呂・他の客室には、ゲージ利用でも、ワンちゃんは絶対に入れないでください。
(4) 庭の扉は関係者やスタッフ等の出入りがあり開閉が伴います。放し飼いにする場合は十分ご注意ください。
(1) 宿泊施設玄関から庭までは外の道路から回り、木の扉から庭へご利用下さい。
(2) 庭と裏庭は、ワンちゃんは放し飼い、またはリードでご利用下さい。
(3) 庭で放し飼いにする際はダイニングの窓や網戸を必ず閉めてワンちゃんが室内に入らないように十分注意下さい。
(1) チェックイン前にブラッシングを行い、抜け毛対策を行ってください。
(2) ご予約時に規約を確認した上でチェックイン時にご署名下さい。
(3) 庭や散歩の後は、庭の外シャワーで足を洗ってから施設にお入りください。
(4) ワンちゃんの食事はガーデンスペースで与えてください。
(5) 無駄吠え・鳴き声がひどい場合はご注意する場合があります。
(6) ワンちゃんはゲージでの利用のみでお客様用の布団やベッドに入れないように。
(7) ワンちゃんによる備品・施設内の破損・汚損等は修繕・清掃・消毒にかかった実費を弁償していただく場合がございます。
(8) 散歩やトレッキング中のうんちは必ず袋等に入れて片付けてください。※うんち・おしっこの後は水で洗い流してください。
1.Terms and Conditions
The basic conditions for staying in a dog room with your dog (hereinafter referred to as “the dog”) are as follows.
(1)Only guest’s own dogs are allowed and maximum three dogs in a dog room.
(2)Guests are responsible for taking care of the dog. The dog should not bark at nothing and should be disciplined for “Sit”, “Wait”, “No” and “Come”.
(3)The dog is required to have been vaccinated for rabies and combination vaccine. Guests are required to show vaccination certificate.
(4)The dog is required to have been shampooed and brushed, and should be taken measure to eliminate flea and mite.
2.Dog Friendly Area
(1)In the Building
The dog is permitted only in the entrance, a dog room and a pathway from the entrance to a dog room.
*The dog is not permitted in a dining room, living room, stairs, bathroom, toilets, and outdoor bath.
*The dog is required to be on a leash at all times. The dog can be off leash inside a dog room.
(2)Inside the Facility
The dog is permitted in the garden but required to be on a leash. The dog is not permitted in a BBQ garden.
3.Terms and Conditions for Staying with the Dog
(1) Please brush the dog before check-in and take a proper measure for fallen hair.
(2) Please read through terms and conditions at check-in and sign the proclamation.
(3) Please wash the dog’s feet in an outdoor shower corner in the garden before entering a dog room.
(4) Please feed the dog in the garden space or inside a dog room.
(5) If you have to leave the dog in a room, please put the dog in a cage to prevent any damage to the room.
*We will call you in case we hear the dog barking or the dog has difficulty staying alone in a room.
(6) The dog is not permitted to use futon and bed for guests. Please bring dog beds for your dog.
(7) Dog owner shall be liable to compensate repair, cleaning and sterilization costs for damage and defacement to the amenities and facilities caused by the dog.
(8) Please bring back your dog’s waste during a walk or trekking.
*Please wash away with water after the dog pee or poop.
4.Dog Goods to be Prepared (brought) by the Guest
(1) Feeding bowl which you always use for the dog
(2) Dog food which the dog always eats
(3) Sleep bed or crate which the dog always uses
(4) Potty pad and sheets which the dog always uses
(5) Towel which the dog always uses
(6) Other things which you think necessary
*We shall not be liable at all if the dog bites other guests or cause troubles. Dog owner should be responsible for any troubles caused by the dog.
5.Dogs Allowed to Stay in a Room
(1) Well-disciplined dogs
(2) Maximum three dogs are allowed in a room
6.Room Charge for a Dog Room
2,000yen (excluding tax) for one night per a dog
7.Nearby Veterinary Hospitals
We introduce you some nearby veterinary hospitals in case of sudden diseases and injuries of the dog.
*Please contact each hospital by yourself.
(1)Hiraiwa Veterinary Clinic
2168 Hiari, Isumi-Shi TEL: 0066-9685-3199064
(2)Sotobou Pet Clinic
1878-3 Hiari, Isumi-Shi TEL: 0470-63-1110
(3)Affiner Animal Hospital
917-2 Koike, Isumi-Shi TEL: 0470-62-8525
(4)Nagano Veterinary Clinic
1012 Misakicho Enokisawa, Isumi-Shi TEL: 0470-87-2722
8.Recommended Spots for Walking the Dog
*The area around KIRA is full of nature surrounded by pear trees, and is recommended for walking the dog.
*Taito beach and Tsurigasaki beach that are located about 3km from KIRA are also recommended.
9.Dog Friendly Restaurants
Ichinomiya 10059-3, Chosei-gun, Chiba
Restaurant with a dog park, and they serve fresh local fishes. The volume and taste are all satisfactory.
Ichinomiyacho-Torami 7543, Chosei-gun, Chiba
Restaurant with a big dog park. Healthy Monja and Teppanyaki are recommended. You can have a nice time with your dog in a spacious garden.
(3)FukumiCafe Palmier
Fukahori 1401-1, Isumi-Shi
A fancy cafe along a national route. They insisted on using local ingredients. Seats on the terrace are available.